Thursday, November 17, 2011

Even Charter Schools!

I spent the morning at KIPP North Philadelphia (at 2709 Broad St.). Besides my own little obsession with KIPP (yes, I'm a fan - read "Work Hard, Be Nice" about the founders and you will be too), I was excited to see what their library and classroom spaces looked like.

I think there's plenty of suspicion out there about charter schools in general - and for the most part, that suspicion is well-placed. MOST charter schools do underperform, even compared to Phila district schools, and yes, some are corrupt and don't follow the rules.

KIPP is so far and away from those examples of horrible charters though. You just have to walk in one to notice it. They get nationwide attention because they truly are amazing, and outperformers.

I toured their library and met their librarian (no picture though because I forgot my camera!!). She told me that they got their library started with grant many years ago of about $10,000, but that since then the library is kept going by small donations or book donations - even a librarian at a charter school that is a part of a nationally recognized charter system doesn't have a library budget!

It just goes to show that everyone is struggling - even the schools that people would assume can provide these options. Libraries are expensive undertakings, but we need to realize what is most important - yes its important for there to be sports programs, extra teachers (I know, believe me), but if a kid can't read, then I don't know what we're doing all these other things for.

Just some food for thought on this dreary Thursday afternoon.

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