Friday, October 28, 2011

The Arts Academy at Benjamin Rush

I spent the morning at The Arts Academy at Benjamin Rush. The principal there invited me to come by and see the school and their library space.

I had looked at their website before going, but I didn't really know much about the school.

Here's a rundown:

- Benjamin Rush School used to be a middle school, but it was shut down, and the School District began a multi-million dollar renovation of it.

- In 2008 it opened as The Arts Academy at Benjamin Rush.

- It is a college prep high school, and a site select (not a neighborhood school), so students from all over Philadelphia can apply in the 8th grade to attend Rush.

- This is the first year that they have a senior class, because they have added a grade each year since 2008.

The school is beautiful. Here's the entrance (with Halloween decorations):

But, then there's the library:

New furniture and bookcases.

It's beautiful too! It was fully renovated and refurbished. The District put in beautiful book shelves and furniture, and brand new carpet, when the renovation was complete.

But, true District-style, what did they not give The Arts Academy at Benjamin Rush?



The shelves are empty. The principal has very little budget for the school (just like all principals in this city), and has been unable to truly put a library into the school. They have been able to raise some money in the last few years to get a very small collection, and they have received book donations, but nothing that fills the space.

The beautiful librarian's desk that was put in during the renovations.

I'm trying to think of ways that Library Build can get involved with The Arts Academy at Benjamin Rush. It seems like a truly great opportunity for us because the space is already beautiful, and the principal is very dedicated to getting the best for her school.

Stay tuned!

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